Frequently Asked Questions

How long does Nautilus Growth Partners work with a given client?

Short answer, as long as is necessary to achieve the desired outcome, whether that be specific revenue / profit thresholds or an exit.

Do we have to retain each of your team members independently?

No, you are billed by Nautilus Growth Partners for all consulting time and related expenses.  Direct expenses, for example necessary software subscriptions like SalesForce, Hubspot, etc. are necessarily the responsibility of the client.

How is Nautilus Growth Partners Compensated?

We work to develop a compensation structure that aligns with a given client’s budgetary constraints, to the extent possible. We also prefer to segment our fees in a manner that shares in the gains that we help to create, broken down as follows:

  • Fees - hourly billings or monthly retainers as agreed upon
  • Gain Share - revenue / profit share tied to business performance improvements
  • Equity - shares or warrants subject to specific performance requirements.

What industries do you work in?

Our process allows us to be industry agnostic, however our team has worked in a broad range of industries, including but not limted to the following:

  • Consumer Electronics
  • Advanced Materials
  • e-Commerce
  • Indoor Agriculture
  • Consumer Products
  • Commercial Signage
  • Custom Manufacturing
  • SaaS

Do you provide references?

Of course! Our past clients are our best source of new clients, either through direct referrals or testimonials.

What business disciplines do you support?

Our founding team has deep experience in business strategy, marketing and sales. However, our team can fill roles and provide support in all of the following areas:

  • Business Strategy
  • Product Strategy
  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • Human Resources
  • Operations
  • Accounting & Finance
  • Mergers & Acquisitions
  • Systems

Can you provide details regarding past engagements?

To the extent we are able to describe a given project / engagement without violating non-disclosure agreements we publish our successes whenever possible…and are happy to share references.

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